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The New Resistance
Animal Liberation Front
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BBC "MISTAKE" REVEALS ANOTHER PEICE OF THE 911 "INSIDE JOB" PUZZLE As this gigantic news story spreads like wildfire across the Internet - the major controlled media are doing what they always do when startling factual truths emerge that reveal the criminality of their neo-conservative/neo fascist partners who control America - nothing - a total news blackout.
by voxfux VOX on DATELINE LIVE Interview by
MASS EXTINCTION UNDERWAY The number of threatened species on the planet is increasing at unprecedented rates across almost all major animal groups, according to the most comprehensive evaluation of the worldís biodiversity ever undertaken.
by voxfux [Link] [26 comments]
The Evolutionary Mind Chaos Theory, Morphogenetic Fields, Language, the Evolutionary Mind. by voxfux [Link] [122 comments]
BERG BEHEADING IS A BUSH "PSY OP" Just in the nick of time, as the crusaders were going into meltdown over the outrage of the sexual perversions and torture photos of iraqi prisoners being released into the semiosphere, the word came down from up top, "We need a distraction, an atrocity, an outrage and we need it NOW!"
by voxfux [Link]
SPANIARDS DUMP RIGHT WING SCUMBAG Terrorist crusader wannabee scumbag (Spanish Prime Minister Jose Aznar) was thrown out of office for defying the will of 90% of his own people, sucking on the Neo-Con shaft, and signing up to kill innocent Iraqi women and children so that Bush and his filthy Neo Con terrorists can loot the oil of Iraq under the bogus rubric of a "Coalition of the Willing". What a piece of shit Aznar was. As is any low life scum "leader" who actually defies the will of 90% his own people and joins with Bushes oil looting spree. Good Riddance to this piece of shit who soiled the capital of Spain. And solidarity to the people of Spain who who are not as gullible and docile as Americans appear to be.
by voxfux [Link]
THE STATE OF FASCISM The State of Fascism War is peace, slavery is freedom, aggression is compassion, economic devastation is wealth, immorality is piety - The state of fascism has never been stronger. by voxfux [Link]
There is a cancer growing on the Presidency of the United States of America By voluntarily stepping forth and submitting to a polygraph examination by an independent examiner you may in one act silence the tension that is quite literally tearing America apart. We believe that such such a request is consistent with the current wave of intrusive law enforcement measures sweeping the country which have their origins in your very own policies. It should be expected that there could be no better way for you to demonstrate support for your very own policies than to lead by example. And so therefore we look forward to your continued leadership in this clampdown on freedom which has been the hallmark of your administrations policies and should rightfully expect you to demonstrate your commitment to your very own policies by stepping forward and showing America and the world that you practice what you preach. Millions of Americans are anxiously awaiting your response in this matter which is vital to the continuance of security, freedom and peace in the world. In the spirit of Attorney General John Ashcroft, "If you've got nothing to hide then you have got nothing to worry about." by voxfux [Link]
BE AFRAID, THIS HOLIDAY SEASON - BE VERY AFRAID ! The "chatter" coming from that piece of shit named George Bush and the CIA, CNN, FOX, Homeland INSecurity and the other tentacles of the New World Order terrorists is unmistakable and means only one thing - That this Christmas, just the same as last Christmas, just the same as every Christmas to come, they want to assure that as families gather to forget about what a shitty world this place has become since that scumbag Bush and his murderous New World Order motherfuckers destroyed it, that they will continuously remind us day after day, week after week, month after month, forever and forever - to be afraid, BE VERY AFRAID, and focus on their game of terror instead of our families. The cancer in the White House must be removed. George Bush must be removed. by voxfux [Link]
INCOMPETENT COINTELPRO AGENT EXPOSES AGENCY OPERATIONS Well folks there is one thing for sure, that low life scum COINTELPRO AGENTS are simply not cut out for the task of successfully destroying freedom and truth by means of counterintelligence alone. That is why their bosses will absolutely positively launch a massive terrorist attack killing thousands of Americans within the next 10 months - ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY!! Too COWARDLY to actually go after a real terrorist (the NeoCon terrorists behind the attacks of Sept 11th) these cowards think that they are heros by harassing investigative journalists instead. This dumb thug who is the case officer assigned to the VOXFUX.COM CONTELPRO OPERATION is so completely incompetent that his actions are revealing sensitive agency operations. He is an embarrassment to his agency, a disgrace to this nation and a shame for the human race. by voxfux [Link]
BUSH FINALLY AVENGES HIS FATHERS FUCK UP! The capture of Saddam Hussein proves one thing and one thing only - That with a $400 billion military and intelligence apparatus, and with 150 billion dollars of more cash ripped off from the American people and with another 25 million dollar reward as bounty to offer anyone with information (also stolen from future generations of young Americans) that Bush can force future generations of Americans to pay the price to clean up the mess THAT HIS FATHER CREATED. Lets all celebrate that WE ARE BACK TO WHERE WE STARTED FROM... duh. by voxfux [Link]
With the dreaded 2004 election theft only 11 months away the big question is weather or not the freedom fighters and activists and alternative Internet news services will be able to expose and stop the plans of the NWO crusaders. Will democracy survive the coming assault that Bushes NeoCon sociopaths have in store for it? Will democracy survive General Tommy Franks' declaration of Martial Law? Surly a military coup d'etat is what they are preparing (us for) or (for us). The countdown is on. Freedom is hanging on a thread. New Martial Law memes began floating to the surface of the news underground (the only place to find out what the hell is really going on) with General Tommy Franks' shocking announcement signaling to fellow NeoCons that he's behind a move to scrap the constitution and turn America into a full military dictatorship. The Major Media's COMPLETE AND TOTAL BLACKOUT of Franks' startling blurts reveals that the media themselves are quite obviously, "in on the game." by voxfux [Link]
LAWYER QUITS TERROR CASE AFTER DEATH THREAT Globe and Mail Update Fighting for his composure, lawyer Rocco Galati said Thursday that he will drop all of his terrorism-related cases after a death threat that he said he believes came from an intelligence agency. Mr. Galati is known as a tough-minded counsellor and he said he has put up with plenty of abuse for representing people many Canadians have no sympathy for. He has endured angry communications before and once found a strangled cat on his doorstep, but he almost broke down Thursday as he described his disillusionment upon receiving the threat. by voxfux [Link]
US PRESS SUPPRESSES BUSH LAWSUIT Widow's Bush Treason Suit Suppressed by the US media "The decision 'not to do the story' appears to be multiplying all over the A Grieving New Hampshire widow who lost her man on 9/11 refuses the by voxfux [Link]
by voxfux [Link]
THE COVERUP CONTINUES Forty years ago, John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the same ultra right wing elements in the United States who rule today. When these extremists assassinated Kennedy they seized a moment in history and radically transformed America into a wasteland of lost opportunities, forever killing the hopes that this country once had to be a decent nation. And America has never been able to recover from those stolen opportunities by the extremist right wing. America is now spiraling deeper and deeper into the abyss of fascism. by voxfux [Link]
by voxfux [Link]
BARBARA BUSH THREATENS LIVES OF DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES Live on the Larry King show on CNN, Barbara Bush, the mother of the President threatened the Democratic candidates with death if they criticized the president or her husband or any of her children. The explosive remarks would have been front page news throughout the country had Hillary Clinton said them, but since it is from the Bush matriarch there is a deafening silence throughout the entire American press regarding this chilling comment. This is evidence of the massive fear and control mechanisms which have permeated into every facet of American establishment. There is no stopping the Bushes. Soon there will be blatant assassinations of political opponents in broad daylight and there will be no mention of them at all. This is America's darkest hour. There should be a chill down the spines of every thinking person in the world regarding this horrendous threat to all of humanity from the Bush family. Here is the comments from the CNN transcript: by voxfux [Link]
TEXAS WOMAN WHO ACCUSED BUSH OF RAPE IS FOUND "SUICIDED" The 38 year old Texas woman who, last December, filed a sexual assault lawsuit against President Bush was found in September, murdered by a gunshot wound to the head. A Republican coroner of Harris county, loyal to George Bush ruled the murder a, "Suicide." Margie Schoedinger of Missouri City, Texas filed a bizarre sexual abuse lawsuit last December alleging that Bush had drugged and raped her. The lawsuit was so bizarre and convoluted at first glance that voxfux gave it a thumbs down as being at best, a disinformation campaign by the Bush team designed to drown out the Sherman Skolnick story about Bushes alleged long standing homosexual relationship with a college buddy. At worst, I thought the woman might be a kook. However in light of the new developments I believe I may have been wrong to have written off this story prematurely. The case was about to go to court - someone didn't want that to happen. There has been ZERO mention of this explosive story in the major media. voxfux Below are some collected articles: by voxfux [Link] [34 comments]
GEORGE BUSH - "The Worlds Biggest Fuck Up - Ever" Undoubtedly George W. Bush is the worst fuck-up in the entire history of fuck-ups. Never in US history has there been a politician who has so completely, devastated the economy of the United States and imperiled so many future generations of American citizens as this war profiteering scum, George W. Bush. Starting in 1975 when Osama Bin Laden's older brother Saleem financed the young George Bush in his very first business with his very own oil company, Arbusto Energy Inc. Which the young Bush promptly drained of all it's cash and drove straight into the ground while extracting delirious profits for himself, to the present day where he exhibits the same pattern of sneaking in, then looting and driving the thing straight into the ground - George Bush is consistent about one thing - He fucks things up big time, and loses money for everyone else, yet extracts delerious profits for himself and key buddies of his. It's what the Bushes are designed to do - it is all they have ever done. George Bush Jr. was designed from the beginning to fuck up, and fuck up BIG TIME and rip everyone off - and cash in. Oh there is one other fuck-up who comes in a close second place to Bush Jr. His dad. Remember that fuck-up? He's the fuck up who didn't finish the job in Iraq the first time. He's the fuck up who thought that it would be a great idea to not harm Saddam - presumably so that his retarded son could come along years later and have have another four year stint at US Treasury looting just like his dad did. HOLY SHIT - THESE TWO GUYS ARE THE WORLDS TWO BIGGEST FUCK-UPS EVER. Hands down. No competition. But wait a second though - These two fucking reptiles are both descendants from Prescott Bush, who it took an act of Congress to get to stop HELPING THE NAZI WAR EFFORT. And even after the congressional act to stop Prescott from trading with the enemy, he still continued to trade with the enemy. by voxfux [Link]
VOX STILL ALIVE AND WELL I appreciate all the concern and I also appreciate the healthy skepticism regarding the nature of reality these days. There has been much speculation regarding whether or not the voxfux.com website has been taken over by the pigs. And why I have not talked of all the details of my life and my problem with the feds last winter. I will try to address some of these issues now. First of all, the pigs have not taken over this site - nor will they ever. As you all know, I encourage a healthy mistrust of just about anything these days. But I do believe that it is unlikely that even in the current police state climate, even if they "accidented" me, that they would move to try to write articles in my name and run my website. Thats not a possibility - (the talking over the website part. As for them "accidenting me" it is a very real possibility) But as for taking over the site, that would be a lot more difficult than just killing me. I am not some loner guy in some basement. There's a lot of people who are ready to act if any action by the feds or some private contract group was attempted on me. by voxfux [Link] [101 comments]
POSSIBLE VOXFUX RAID #2 COMING SOON Government raids are costly and stressful. We hope this expected raid does not occur. But we are actively preparing a media and legal defense. Voxfux.com is like a canary in a coalmine. We stake out the very farthest limits of political speech in America. There is not one single voice in America who more visciously and nakedly tears open the underbely of this filthy regime, then voxfux.com. And they are planning to attack back. I will explain in more detail in the days to come. For the time being, please save a couple of the last articles. In the event the website or myself goes down. I have written a series of instructions which will be posted onto several public forums. We'll see what happens in the next couple of days. by voxfux [Link]
Know this - That this human garbage, George W. Bush and his criminal industrial cartel ONLY cash in when Americans get killed, they NEVER make money when there is no Americans being killed in war. NEVER! AMERICAN DEATH = $$$$ for BUSH So American death it is! And American death it is going to continue to be, so long as nothing is done to remove this cancer on America, this profiteer in the White House. Bush and his criminal military, industrial and energy cartels which buttress his murderous regime want Americans to get killed. That's what they are setting us up for. That is what they do. That, and loot the US treasury. They have not only successfully looted the massive surplus in the treasury, they have looted your children's treasury and your grandchildren's treasury. That's what they do, that's all they ever intended to do. They are treasury pirates - and murderers. Why the fuck do you think that the Skull and Crossbones is their family crest? BECAUSE THEY ARE PIRATES. Treasury pirates and looters and murderers. They thought that by looting enough money from the US treasury and giving it to their buddies in the defense establishment and creating an atmosphere of military intimidation and a general police state environment that they could stave off any real challenge to their rule. And with their successful assassination of Senator Paul Wellstone and his family still lurking on every opposition Senator's mind they have sent a chill on the American body politic - watch out, this is not the democracy you are used to. It's a different game since the Bush criminal cartel seized power. by voxfux [Link] [139 comments]
They are feeding off the dwindling carcass of a once great nation, now a beaten population, bludgeoned by years of lies and fear and indoctrination and buttressed by the mind toilet that is American television / American capitalism. The people now know they are getting fucked harder than ever before but sense that its too late to do anything about it, for they are all trapped in a cycle of dependence on the very poisons which are killing them. They are clinging on for dear life, just barely surviving and as such are parts, willing or otherwise, of a dying machine, a behemoth hurtling it's way deeper into hell and taking us all with it. Absolutely positively it is going to get worse, and worse and worse. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to come here and try to paint some rosy scenario to cheer you all up. As each new day passes we dive deeper and deeper into the abyss. But just because this Rome is burning it doesn't mean you have have to go down with it. Grab a fiddle and lets go for a ride. by voxfux [Link]
"De Aanvallen van het Centrum van de Wereldhandel waren een Binnenbaan. (De CIA)" Een grondige wetenschappelijke analyse van de stortvloed van gebeurtenissen, mensen, landen, motivaties, propaganda, persoonlijkheden en geschiedenis betrokken bij dit huidige moment in de geschiedenis, leidt tot alleen ÈÈn conclusie: Dat clandestiene krachten loyaal aan George Bush senior bezig zijn met het voorbereiden met het aanvallen van het Amerikaanse volk, de schuld leggen bij Islamitische terroristen en de aanvallen gebruiken als een excuus voor een totale inperking van afgescheiden, basisvrijheden van burgers, gewone democratische processen en in de verwarring dat volgt zullen ze ongecontroleerd oorlog en agressie voeren tegen Irak en andere Islamitische landen en overigen die natuurlijke hulpbronnen hebben en vooral oliebronnen waar deze schaduwgroep van petrochemische en leger-industriRlen dorst naar hebben. Hun ultieme doel? De verovering van EuraziR.
by voxfux [Link] [5 comments]
THE LIBERATION RAGES ON "I think they thought we wouldn't shoot kids, But we showed them we don't care. I did what I had to do. I don't have a big problem with it" - U.S. Army Pvt. Nick Boggs The word came down from the top - NO MORE BATTLE IMAGES. That would send out a confusing message since the TV already showed jubilant Iraqis tearing down statues. JUST HAPPY SMILING IRAQIS. But wait a second, some of the most bloodiest bombing and fighting is going on right this second while we see the loops over and over again of Iraqis throwing garlands of flowers on our troops, what gives? Right now the US media is a complete and total element of the US government and in particular the Bush administration. Right now, out of the peering eye of the TV cameras rages the bloodiest phase of this bloody filthy war for oil profits - total indiscriminate killing in the outer cities to affect an immediate way out of the quickly building QUAGMIRE. The Administration had a VERY SHORT LIVED, ìI TOLD YOU SO.î The reality is starting to leak out about what really happened there and what is continuing to happen there - They are ìLiberatingî (disfiguring or killing) thousands of little kids today, right now, after the liberation. And since the CIA decided that you can only control people if you can successfully suppress the truth, their news service, CNN, will no longer even bring you ANY pictures of the reality of war. Their lying agenda has shifted to the new lie, which is, how wonderful the Iraqi people think their new conquerors are - just smiling happy Bush loving shiites. So voxnews will bring you the real pictures about what is really going on. by voxfux [Link]
They expect us to believe that there just happened to be this convergence of a smattering of listless Iraqis at the juncture of this symbolic US inroad to Baghdad's liberation square and that sudenly this big rope comes literally out of thin air (I guess they always keep spools of giant rope at the base of Saddam statues just in case) and next thing thing you know, the Iraqis are pulling down Saddam's statue. Well almost. you see they couldn't do it without our help. So a marine mechanized vehicle actually pulled the statue down. And then suddenly someone there just happened to have the American flag that was flying at the Pentagon on sept 11th (wow that's a coincidence) they decided to give Saddam a goodbuy scarfing with the American Flag. They fuckin' literally wrapped the American flag around the Saddam statue's head. Reminiscent of the staged mock pro war rallies here in the United States, the CIA with their public relations giants staged a patently mock liberation rally. This rally was FAKE from start to finish and everything in-between. If it wasn't so phony it would be laughable, but it was disgusting - It's a lie. It is the supremely perfect example of what these New World Order Nazi motherfuckers have in store for the entire world. Bad deceptions and even worse deceptions to cover up the original bad deceptions. Absolutely positively, the CIA organized this mornings take down of the Saddam statue in Baghdad's Liberation Square as another FAKE OUT. In this city of over 5 million people the CIA brought in about seventy of what appeared to be poor Shiite kids, various and sundry Iraqi dregs and a few delinquents but mostly news paparazzi with Betacam crews, for a photo-op which CNN quickly trumpeted it as the most, "indelible," moment of the "great liberation." Too bad this precious MOCK IWO JIMA moment was FAKE from top to bottom. by voxfux [Link]
IS THIS THE BEGINING OF WORLD WAR IV? 6th April 2003 - The last century saw the Great War of 1914-18; the Second World War of 1939-45 and the Cold War, effectively a third world war that lasted from 1945 to 1990. Many analysts, including the former CIA Director James Woolsey, believe that the Iraq campaign is really just the start of the 4th World War and one that will undoubtedly last for decades. Woolsey in a speech made to University students in California last week confirmed the rumours coming out of Washington that an occupied Iraq will act as a strategic jumping off area for further wars against Syria and Iran. by voxfux [Link]
REPORT CNN DISINFORMATION Here should be a cronicle of the lies and slants and disinformation of the CNN government propaganda channel. When possible note the exact time of the reported CNN/CIA Psyop. by voxfux [Link] [78 comments]
CNN/CIA THE ENEMY WITHIN The chilling reality of our time is that our biggest enemies are within. CNN is one such enemy. The New World Order crusaders know that it is better to control people and nations with the scientific application of fear and lies rather than the more unpredictable and expensive methodology of bullets and bombs. So forty years ago, the CIAís, ìOperation Mockingbird,î went into full swing. The goal of the program was simply to control all mechanisms of opinion - the print news, the public opinion polls and the television news media. Their thinking was, if you control what people think, youíve won the war before it has even begun. by voxfux [Link]
BUSH DEMANDS THAT THE WORLD'S LEADERS DEFY THE WILL OF THEIR OWN PEOPLE George W. Bush just thirty some short years ago, during his crucial formative years, reveled in putting firecrackers in the orifices of bullfrogs and throwing them up in the air and watching them blow up. Friends recall that on rainy days George could often be seen out the back of his farm shooting and killing the many frogs that would be playing in the rain. A boyhood friend of Bushes added, ìThere would be thousands of frogs so George really couldnít miss, because if he would miss the one he was shooting at, the one behind it would catch the brunt of Georges shot. The creatures never had a chance.î Now he is the leader of the free world, about to lead us into an industrio/religious shooting and looting spree and mock religious crusade for control of the oil fields of Iraq. Heís moved on from the days of shooting frogs on the back porch - Now it is people, leaders, countries he can shoot at and blow up. Now there are new threats, new leaders who are not with us but against us that Bush can attack. And of course thereís the French to deal with. by voxfux [Link]
CIA STAGED TERROR ATTACKS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA One by one, the worldís terror attacks bear more of the hallmarks of US Intelligence, ìBlack Ops,î than of Islamic terrorism. The signs are unmistakable, the CIA backed industrio-religious crusaders are staging terror campaigns throughout the world - absolutely - positively. The despicable US media giants were silent when undisputed proof surfaced that the CIA, NSA, British Intelligence, the US Secret Service and the FBI were all involved in the May 16th 2002 blast in a Philippine hotel room when their agent, Michael Meiring accidently blew his own legs off while constructing a bomb which was intended, if ignited as planned, to be a staged ìAl Quedaî terror attack, justifying a tightened US- Philippine military alliance. by voxfux [Link]
Our goal is to bring you the news BEFORE it happens - in hopes that by doing so, it DOESN'T happen. So if it's a "Dirty Bomb" attack on a major US city, we aim to detect it's accompanying pre deployment conditioning media in advance and foil the plot. Or if it's going to be terrorist meddling in the peaceful regions of Southeast Asia, we aim to warn the people, in advance of the onrushing crusaders and spoil the sense of confusion that the crusaders were hoping for. Or if it's a genocidal civil (proxy) war we aim to get the truth out about what's really going on so that the people know who the real enemy is behind all the turmoil and terror. by voxfux [Link]
Happy New Year ! HAPPY NEW YEAR - let it be a year of unrelenting and unyielding pressure to expose and halt the policies and criminality of the group of WAR PROFITEERS who have seized control of the functions of state of the republic of the United States of America and subverted and undermined their purpose from one of democratic processes to those identifiable as clearly ìfascistic.î
by freedom 1 [Link] [121 comments]
"MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT" 9/11 WAS AN "INSIDE JOB" This article is the single most important work presented by vox information sciences. It contains the single most important key to uncovering WHAT REALLY HAPPENED on 9/11. It describes in chilling details the FACTS about the players and events of 9/11. ![]() by voxfux [Link]
STRATEGIES, TACTICS AND VICTORIES Fighting back - Overloading their system - Throwing a wrench in their machine Report your victories in the war for truth and against their lies here. by freedom 1 [Link] [239 comments]
We must activate - now. We must attack them with everything we have. Their principal communications mode is lies and disinformation. Unless we master the art of propaganda and counter their lies, we are dead. by freedom 1 [Link]
"It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
by freedom 1 [Link] [31 comments]
MORE FBI AGENTS EXPOSE "THE OCTOPUS" Two courageous FBI agent's revelations send mixed messages. First, the carefully scripted opening salvo from the two agents is the clasic diversionary couching technique which is now standard LieSpeak. The agency, "failed," this time the word was, "incompetent." But if you know the pressure these agents feel for what they are doing you would know that they had no choice but to speak in these terms. And while the whole thing could be a disinfo psy-op it is possible that their whistleblowing is indeed a brave and daring act. For sure if they are indeed genuine and they spoke what I believe could really be on their minds (That there are people in the highest positions of power in the US who are behind the attacks) they would be destroyed. And so it is possible that their expose could be a genuine effort to cautiously let a little more of the cat out of the bag. by freedom 1 [Link] [29 comments]
Simply have no fear - and they will fall I would rather die standing and fighting, then cower under this fascist threat to all of humanity. First of all I need to express a HUGE amount of gratitude to the folks who were the first responders. Amy Goodman from Democracy Now was the absolute first responder to my and all of mankind's predicament. Her's is a beacon of liberty - thank you. Also valis from memes.org and libertythink.com - I owe you a big one - much thanks. And to lightscion who mirrored the front page - thank you for your effort. Also many other sites and concerned people from the Democratic Underground and all the many Indymedias who covered this turn of events. Also I must thank my extensive network of friends and family who have been a beautiful support network during this whole affair. And last but not least I would like to thank those on the "INSIDE" for tipping me off and helping me out - Not all of these guys are bad - there is DEEP division among their ranks, and that is very encouraging and gratifying to know. HALF OF THOSE INVOLVED IN THE RAID WERE ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED ABOUT BEING FORCED INTO TO DOING BUSHES DIRTY POLITICAL OPPRESSION - HALF. by voxfux [Link]
Time to Secede? 05 December 2002 According to the National Governors' Association, the 50 States that make up the collective known as the United States of America experienced the worst revenue shortfall since World War II. The Economic Policy Institute reports that American families are working longer and harder on the average of "20 more weeks a year [...] the equivalent of five months." by voxfux [Link] [54 comments]
by voxfux [Link]
Africans Declare War on Freemasons Amidst a growing global awareness of the problem of the worlds covert religious cults, mainstream Anglican, Catholic and Presbyterian churches in Africa have joined with leaders of Kenya's Mungiki youth movement in calling for the abolition of the Freemasons. The Parish Pastor of Nairobiís St Andrewís Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA), one of the oldest traditional churches in Kenya, said recently that Freemasonry needs to be abolished, citing, "It has no moral standing in the wider community," he said. The Mungiki movement with some 4 million followers, has accused the Freemasons of involvement in the disappearance of children and a mysterious string of murders that have recently rocked Nairobi. by voxfux [Link]
By Bushes Own By the administrationís own policy, both Bushes must be immediately destroyed. No trial, no explanation, no warning - Just immediate obliteration. According to White House officials the Presidentís policy is that ìassociationî alone, with ANY suspected Al Queda or terrorist, is sufficient enough justification for immediate extermination by the CIA or US military. Yet there is NO other family in America today who has had closer ties with the Bin Ladens than the Bush family. And that bears repeating. THERE IS NO OTHER FAMILY IN AMERICA WHICH HAS HAD CLOSER ASSOCIATIONS AND SUSPICIOUS DEALINGS WITH THE BIN LADEN FAMILY THAN GEORGE BUSH SENIOR AND JUNIOR. NO OTHER AMERICANS! Period. Prove us wrong. by voxfux [Link]
Mass Murderer Kissinger Appointed to Cover Up Mass Murder He Was Involved In Well folks, it's an ugly, ugly world. Perhaps the ugliest of mass murderers, Henry Kissinger, was cynically appointed by the smirking "idiot (cheerleader,draft dodging) murderer" George Bush to cover up the largest mass murder of US citizens in US history. It's a cynical and obvious slap in the face to each and every free thinking person in the world, to appoint this man, who sits at the top of the groups (Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderburg Group) who surely perpetrated this murder of American citizens and planted bogus evidence to make it look like "Islamic Terrorists" did it. by voxfux [Link]
Well folks, 2002 has been a sad year for the human race. It marks the year when the American govenrnment was siezed by the fundamentalist fanatical industrio/religious orders (CIA,The Nights of Malta, Jesuits, Freemasons, the "Octopus") Voxnyc will be accepting nominations for our first annual Psycho of the Year awards. There are many subcatagories, including "Most Rampant War Profiteerer," "Most Obvious Psy-op," "Biggest Liar," "Mass Murderer of the Year Award," "Most Rapid Transformation from Total Scumbag to National Diety." and many many more. Let us know what you think. And check with this link as it grows. by voxfux [Link]
Possible US backed Bombing in Thailand coming soon. The Crusaders who are racing to conquer the oil of Islam and after that, the world, cannot resist attempts at incursions into the peaceful Buddhist nations. It's too, ìeasy pickingsî - too peaceful, too passive. And too strategically vital. The US Crusaders will assuredly have in place in Thailand, bombs, ready to go and people ready to be blamed for the attacks. These Crusaders will find some local enraged Islamic persons to blame it on (there's no shortage of enraged local Islamics) and will pay some local official to see things their way - a "Friendly" local informer in the form of a (Thai) government official or intelligence official will be on the ground to coordinate the deployment of the bombs and then issue the "news" about Al Queda after the detonation. The bombs will be handled by local people with dark skin (expendable) who do not know who is giving them their orders or even what is in the packages they will be handling. They place the bombs, then, more than likely, they will be killed (to silence them). Next step for the Crusaders is to make sure that the Islamic organization who they are going to blame this attack on, are in the country at the time. (It's embarrssing when you set someone up and it turns out that they were in Bahamas at the time enjoing a scuba diving jaunt.) The Crusaders will make sure they are home this time, and will have a backup ready in case their primary goes on vacation. (The point is, the crusaders will make sure they have police officials waiting at some Islamic militant's home when the bombs go off so that they can be immediatly dragged out of their homes and put in front of the TV news cameras. (make sure they have long beards) Then on the same TV news program the crusaders will put up their "inside" man (corrupt Thai official) and he will inform the Thai people in their own language that the attack looks like another "Al Queda" attack. This is how it works, people. It's like taking candy from a baby - It's easy. by voxfux [Link]
Just one, "We are the world," style production and Bush falls. That is the power, a group of movie stars could have. And they may be our last hope. For Joe and Jane sixpack live and die on the turn of the symbol - and there's no more powerful symbol in the United States than stardom. Let us do everything and anything we can do to mobilize and ignite the only thing that can rouse the American People - Movie Stars. by voxfux [Link]
Careless mistake reveals subversion of Windows by NSA. A CARELESS mistake by Microsoft programmers has revealed that special access codes prepared by the US National Security Agency have been secretly built into Windows. The NSA access system is built into every version of the Windows operating system now in use, except early releases of Windows 95 (and its predecessors). The discovery comes close on the heels of the revelations earlier this year that another US software giant, Lotus, had built an NSA "help information"
by voxfux [Link]
VOTE SCAM ARCHIVE It's a dream come true for the New World Order tyrants - Election Machines owned and operated by the New World Order itself. And a sheeplike populous conditioned after years of conditioning to easily believe that anyone questioning this dark force is a loony "Conspiracy Theorist Nut." This dark force has spent decades destroying the critical capabilities of Americans for just this purpose - so that their movements go unnoticed. And now the machines are in place. It's called Tyranny. So here goes - And this is not a conspiracy: This is YOUR REALITY by voxfux [Link] [28 comments]
Rockefellers, CIA, Knights of Malta One by one our most established institutions fall suspect and we become engaged in conflicts, not of our choosing. And throughout it all, the same names keep popping up - The Knights of Malta, The CIA, The Rockefellers, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderburg group, The Trilateral Commission. It is with complete accuracy to state that these organizations do not exist to support the hopes and aspirations of the free democratic people of the world. No, what these groups are all about is the privledge of the few. These massive undemocratic, unelected and top secret groups are as big as governments and dedicated to one goal. the enrichment of the fortunes of a few families. But how to explain the complexities of this massive strategy, to joe and jane sixpack. Simple - grab them and cast doubt on everything they, "know." Tell them that they are getting fucked. by voxfux [Link] [93 comments]
New Bin Laden Tape - Same as the Last Bin Laden Tape The latest Bin Laden audio tape is a shrieking fraud. They expect us to believe that the man who supposedly orchestrated the most striking military attacks ever (The WTC attacks) would release a tape urging the European nations who currently do not support Bushís adventure, to switch sides and support Bushes Middle East oil grab.
vox by voxfux [Link] [24 comments]
Propaganda - Disinformation
"...we are going to overthrow the United States government." So begins a statement being delivered by Gen. Carl W. Steiner, former Commander-in-chief, U.S. Special Operations Command.
by voxfux [Link] [35 comments]
THE ASSASSINATION STATE Since the leadership of the intelligence "services" belong to the same covert religious orders (Knights of Malta, Jesuits, Freemasons) that are complicit from top to bottom, in perpetrating nearly all current acts of terrorism, it would be, in a normally functioning democracy, a relief to turn to an independent agency to give us real answers in some of these horrendous acts. Such is our desire regarding the extraordinarily suspicious, ìplane crash,î of Senator Paul Wellstone, the one man in the Senate dedicated to resisting this dark force. In a normally functioning democracy, we would look to the National Transportation Safety Board for answers about that suspicious, ìaccident.î Turns out, however, that the head of the NTSB, Carol Carmody is a CIA agent - The one who was the ìOn the Sceneî crash site investigator of the Mel Carnahan ìaccident.î And so, the religious orders who control the Intelligence agencies have formed their complete "Octopus" - Total vertical penetration and integration into any and all critical government agencies, news organizations, legislative and judicial bodies, and quite obviously the White House. Like a chilling episode of the Twilight zone we see an emerging picture of a society whoís every institution, is infused with this dark and all encompassing force. by voxfux [Link] [19 comments]
Fear, Gluttony and Darkness Grip America
Fear not -- it's just the dark storm clouds of sadness and savage spiritual pain that just settled in over the collective soul of the country and indeed much of the world recently, as the Republican Party snatched total control of the American government and really honestly promised to further its agenda of fear and war and intolerance and bad sex and more petroleum products forevermore. by voxfux [Link] [58 comments]
Lincoln, Roosevelt and Kennedy warn of Bush
by voxfux [Link] [17 comments]
Gore Vidal Interview One of Americas leading intellectuals exposes the Bush fraud. Long seen as one of America's most prominent intellectuals and writers and blue bloods, Gore Vidal, rips into Bushes' soft underbelly. This was recorded several months back after the Oklahoma conspiracist and possible MK Ultra victim, Timothy Mcveigh requested the surrel and macabra of Vidal - to attend his execution. In a more recent interview Vidal accuses Bush of Direct Involvement and forknowledge of the September Attacks on the World's Trade Center. by voxfux [Link]
by voxfux [Link]
by voxfux [Link]
How Is Bush Going To Protect Us From Terrorists When He Can't Even Protect Us From His Oil Company Buddies?by voxfux Solar and wind energy production is ready - now - to solve many of our problems, but this truth is being systematically wiped out by an oil industry, keeping close tabs on the "alternative" energy models. Turns out that solar Isn't "Alternative" at all. In fact it's potentially our primary source. But this fact threatens to imperil the fortunes, privileges and destiny of our industrial oligarchy... and they are fighting to keep their hands on power - their fingers wrapped around our necks. by voxfux [Link] ![]() PROPAGANDA: Theory and Practice ![]() AMERICA'S SECRET ARMY ![]() The Last Man On The Moon ![]() Conspiracy Theory Theory ![]() Let the protests be unrelenting ![]() REPUBLICAN MANUFACTURED VOTING MACHINES HAND SURPRIZE VICTORIES TO REPUBLICANS ![]() ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINE CHIP "GLITCH" HANDS SURPRISE VICTORIES TO, GUESS WHICH PARTY? ![]() EXPERTS: REPUBLICAN VOTING MACHINES WAY OFF! ![]() MASSIVE POLLING FRAUD IN FLORIDA - AGAIN! ![]() New World Order Terrorists - The Rockefellers ![]() Government Issues Helpful "Advise" to Citizens About Avoiding Sniper ![]() Woody Harrelson ![]() Bali Terrorist Bombing another US Inside Job ![]() Evidence of Government Involvement in CHILD PORNOGRAPHY ![]() Southern Strategy ![]() All Polls Showing Support for Bush are FRAUDULENT ![]() "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer Propaganda - Theory and Practice U.S. is Biggest Threat to World Peace Saudi Royals Next on the American Chopping Block Warning - Internal Power Grabs Soon All US "Evidence" Now Fraudulent The US is now a threat to the rest of the world Recent Rape Victims to host Prime Time series. Disinformation US Government Mind Control Bush Family Involvement in Reagan Assassination Attempt Bush Comment Reveals Troubling Deception and Foreknowledge Bush Links to Pre-9/11 Insider Trading Bush and Atta Visit Same Resort in the Hours Leading to 9-11 ![]() China is "Thrilled" with Bush's Leadership of America Leading Suspect in Anthrax Letters Proposed Massive Network of "Body Trains" The Architecture of Global Conquest I'm Hiding Something voxfux (copyright free) |
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